Short abstract from the book: The barred warbler has bred in most parts of Denmark, but
is no longer a Danish breeding bird. It is a rare but regularly observed passage migrant in Denmark in May-June
and August-October. The first barred warbler was ringed in
Denmark in 1928, with the highest numbers ringed in 1941
(27) and 1980 (28). The four birds that have been recovered
were all ringed as first-year birds in autumn. Only one of the
birds was recovered more than 20 km from the ringing site:
this bird was ringed on Christiansø (9 August 1979) and
recovered in Sweden (27 May 1981 and 18 May 1982). One
foreign bird was recovered in Denmark – ringed in its first
year on Falsterbo on 19 August and recovered 16 days later
due west at Blåvandshuk.
Read more about the species in the chapter from The Danish Bird Migration Atlashere