Short abstract from the book: The collared flycatcher does not breed in Denmark, but is a
rare passage migrant from late April to May and a very rare
migrant in August-September. The first collared flycatcher
was ringed in Denmark in 1958 and in total 75 birds have
been ringed – the majority on Christiansø. One of the ringed
birds was found dead a few days later at the ringing site;
no other birds have been recovered. Eleven birds ringed in
Sweden have been recovered in Denmark; of these were five
ringed as nestlings. The birds were ringed from 5 June to 7
July and recovered from 5 May to 8 June in the subsequent
year (9) or two years later (2). Eight of the Swedish birds
were recorded by ringers, one collided with a window and two were found dead.
Read more about the species in the chapter from The Danish Bird Migration Atlashere