Short abstract from the book: The siskin is a rather rare breeding bird in Denmark, with
a fluctuating population size. It is an irruptive winter visitor in some years and a common winter visitor in others. In
Denmark the first siskin was ringed in 1935, with most ringed in the 1980s and ’90s. Most of the recovered birds were
ringed during migration in March–April and October. No
Danish chicks have been recovered. The recoveries show that
the passage migrants come from Norway, Sweden and southern Finland. Migrants arrive in Denmark in August, with
the number culminating in October. Some stay in Denmark
throughout the winter but most continue SW. In September
the mean position is south of Denmark. During winter birds
have been recovered from Norway in the north to Morocco in
the south, most in Denmark and Belgium. The spring migration seems to follow the same route as in autumn. Most birds
pass Denmark in March–April and in May the mean position
is northeast of Denmark.
Read more about the species in the chapter from The Danish Bird Migration Atlashere