European Storm Petrel

Hydrobates pelagicus

Lille stormsvale

Lille stormsvale

Short abstract from the book:
The storm petrel is a rare migrant in Denmark, mainly seen along the Danish west coast. Six birds have been ringed in Denmark but never recovered. Two birds ringed on the Shetland Islands were recovered in Denmark and Danish waters, both in October.

Read more about the species in the chapter from The Danish Bird Migration Atlas here

Ringing data for European Storm Petrel

Datavisning: genmeldinger    genmeldinger/mærkninger    mærkninger
Sæson: alle    vinter    forår    sommer    efterår
Periode: alle    før 2003    2003 og frem    seneste 365 dage


Birds ringed
Birds ringed 50.629
Ringed as chicks 102 (0,2%)
No. of recoveries 2552
No. of individuals 0
Proportion recovered 0,0%