Great Crested Grebe

Podiceps cristatus

Toppet lappedykker

Toppet lappedykker

Short abstract from the book:
The great crested grebe is a common breeding bird in lakes and fjords all over Denmark. Only 80 birds have been ringed, the first in 1923. In the winter period, Danish birds have been recovered around the English Channel and at the IJsselmeer, where a large proportion of the European population spends the winter. However, some birds migrate southeast to the Black Sea. One bird was recovered in the Ukraine in April 1968 and one in the Caucasus in January 1951. Among Swedish birds, more are recovered in the Black Sea area than in the English Channel area.

Read more about the species in the chapter from The Danish Bird Migration Atlas here

Ringing data for Great Crested Grebe

Datavisning: genmeldinger    genmeldinger/mærkninger    mærkninger
Sæson: alle    vinter    forår    sommer    efterår
Periode: alle    før 2003    2003 og frem    seneste 365 dage


Birds ringed
Birds ringed 22
Ringed as chicks 0 (0,0%)
No. of recoveries 19
No. of individuals 0
Proportion recovered 0,0%