Short abstract from the book: The hawfinch is a rather common breeding bird in Denmark,
most abundant in deciduous forest in the east of the country.
It is also a rather common passage migrant mainly in eastern
Denmark, and an irregular irruptive winter visitor. The first
hawfinch was ringed in Denmark in 1926, with the majority ringed from the second half of the 1960s to today. Most
of the recovered birds were ringed on Zealand from January
to May, probably including both Danish birds and passage
migrants. One of the birds ringed as a chick was recovered at
the ringing site in December, another in Schleswig-Holstein
also in December, and the last 31 km from the ringing site
in April. Outside the breeding season, Denmark is visited
by hawfinches from Norway and Sweden. Some of the winter visitors were ringed in an earlier winter in Sweden and
Germany. Other birds have been ringed and recovered at the
same site in subsequent winters, however. A few hawfinches
ringed in Denmark in spring have been recovered in Italy and
southern France in winter.
Read more about the species in the chapter from The Danish Bird Migration Atlashere