Short abstract from the book: The icterine warbler is a common breeding bird and a common passage migrant. The breeding birds arrive from mid-May and depart from late July to early September. Migrants
pass Denmark in May-June and July-September. In Denmark
the first icterine warbler was ringed in 1921, with the highest number ringed in 1983 (787). The icterine warblers recovered in Denmark are from Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
From Denmark the birds migrate south, with several autumn
recoveries from Italy or nearby. Furthermore, birds ringed in
Belgium, Germany and France in autumn have been recovered in Denmark in a subsequent year. An early bird was
recovered in Greece on 20 July. No birds have been recovered during winter and only one has been recovered south of
Denmark during spring (in Angola on 19 April). Two birds
ringed in Italy (7 and 17 May) have been recovered later the
same spring in Denmark (29 and 27 May respectively). Most
of the recovered birds were recorded by ringers (77 %).
Read more about the species in the chapter from The Danish Bird Migration Atlashere