Short abstract from the book: Today the kentish plover is a very rare breeder in Denmark,
breeding only at a few localities. The first kentish plover was
ringed in 1920, with most ringed in the 1950s and first half
of the 1970s. The majority of the recovered birds were ringed
on Amager, where the species once bred, and in the Danish
Wadden Sea. The birds are probably all from the Danish
The migration of kentish plovers is SW. In September ringed birds have been recovered in the Netherlands and France,
and during winter one bird was recovered in northwest France.
In spring one bird was found dead in northwest France on 10
April, and from mid-April to May many birds have been
recorded at the ringing sites. A bird born at Falsterbo in southern Sweden was later observed breeding at Rømø in the
Danish Wadden Sea, where birds from northern Germany
have also been found.
Read more about the species in the chapter from The Danish Bird Migration Atlashere