Northern Harrier

Circus cyaneus

Blå kærhøg

Blå kærhøg

Short abstract from the book:
The hen harrier is a rare breeder in Denmark, breeding only occasionally in southern Jutland. The species is a rather rare winter visitor, found mainly in eastern Denmark. The first hen harrier was ringed in 1929, with the highest numbers ringed in the 1960s. The recovered birds were all caught in traps outside the breeding season. Twenty-two hen harriers ringed abroad have been found in Denmark. Most of the birds have either been ringed or recovered in southern or eastern Denmark. The recoveries of Danish and foreignringed birds show that the Danish winter population consists not only of birds from Norway, Sweden and Finland but also from Scotland. Two birds ringed in Denmark were later recovered in Belgium and Germany, both during the cold winters of 1956 and 1985 respectively.

Read more about the species in the chapter from The Danish Bird Migration Atlas here

Ringing data for Northern Harrier

Datavisning: genmeldinger    genmeldinger/mærkninger    mærkninger
Sæson: alle    vinter    forår    sommer    efterår
Periode: alle    før 2003    2003 og frem    seneste 365 dage


Birds ringed
Birds ringed 14
Ringed as chicks 0 (0,0%)
No. of recoveries 11
No. of individuals 0
Proportion recovered 0,0%