Short abstract from the book: The crossbill is a rather common breeding bird in Denmark
with a fluctuating population size, estimated at 2000 breeding
pairs in the 1990s. It is an irregular irruptive visitor. In
Denmark the first crossbill was ringed in 1929, with the largest number ringed in 1990. Three birds have been recovered,
of these one ringed as a chick. As the only bird recovered from
abroad, this bird was shot in Slovakia in April as a two-year old. The other two birds were recovered at the ringing site. Two
foreign crossbills have been recovered in Denmark: one was
ringed in Norway on 15 October and recovered in northwest
Jutland eight days later; the other was ringed in Germany on
16 February and recovered in Denmark a year later.
Read more about the species in the chapter from The Danish Bird Migration Atlashere