Short-toed Treecreeper

Certhia brachydactyla

Korttået træløber

Korttået træløber

Short abstract from the book:
The short-toed treecreeper first bred in Denmark in 1940 and now breeds in southern and eastern Jutland and on the islands. In Denmark the first short-toed treecreeper was ringed in 1961, and in total 106 birds have been ringed, most in the 1980s. Ten of the ringed birds have been recovered (9 %); no foreign birds have been recovered in Denmark. One of the ringed birds was recovered away from the ringing site: it was ringed on Læsø on 16 May and recorded 22 days later at Falsterbo, 237 km from the ringing site.

Read more about the species in the chapter from The Danish Bird Migration Atlas here

Ringing data for Short-toed Treecreeper

Datavisning: genmeldinger    genmeldinger/mærkninger    mærkninger
Sæson: alle    vinter    forår    sommer    efterår
Periode: alle    før 2003    2003 og frem    seneste 365 dage


Birds ringed
Birds ringed 499
Ringed as chicks 0 (0,0%)
No. of recoveries 78
No. of individuals 0
Proportion recovered 0,0%