Song Thrush

Turdus philomelos



Short abstract from the book:
sage migrants have been recovered. The Danish song thrushes are migratory, leaving Denmark in September. The migration is directed towards the SW. Danish birds winter in southwest France, Spain, Portugal and also in Italy and North Africa. The first birds are recovered from the winter quarters in September but the majority arrive in October. Recoveries south of the Pyrenees are mainly from November. The mean position of Danish birds is in southwest France in March and in Denmark in April. Many adult birds return to the same breeding site and many breed close to the site where they were born. Migrants from Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia pass Denmark in September–October. The migrants are recovered in the same areas as Danish birds, although more frequently in the Mediterranean. The winter mean position of young birds in their first winter is a little further north of that of older birds. In spring most migrants pass Denmark in March–April. The main cause of death is shooting/hunting. Most have been shot in France (45 %), Spain (31 %) and Portugal (14 %).

Read more about the species in the chapter from The Danish Bird Migration Atlas here

Ringing data for Song Thrush

Datavisning: genmeldinger    genmeldinger/mærkninger    mærkninger
Sæson: alle    vinter    forår    sommer    efterår
Periode: alle    før 2003    2003 og frem    seneste 365 dage


Birds ringed
Birds ringed 39.208
Ringed as chicks 0 (0,0%)
No. of recoveries 2269
No. of individuals 0
Proportion recovered 0,0%