Short abstract from the book: The thrush nightingale is a common breeding bird in eastern
parts of the country. The birds arrive in early May, and most
have departed by the end of September. In Denmark the first
thrush nightingale was ringed in 1921, with the highest number ringed in 1987. The recovered birds were ringed from
May to August, most during migration. Thirty-three per cent
of the recovered birds were ringed in western Denmark and
67 % in eastern Denmark. The autumn migration is SE with
a number of recoveries from Egypt. The first birds have been
recovered south of Denmark in August (in Hungary), and in
September birds have been reported from Austria and from
the north coast of Egypt. One Danish bird was recovered as
far south as South Africa (20 November). During winter
another Danish bird was recovered in Malawi. No birds
have been recovered south of Denmark in spring. The first
recovery from Denmark was 1 May. Recoveries indicate that
migrants from Sweden and Finland pass Denmark on their
Read more about the species in the chapter from The Danish Bird Migration Atlashere